Author: Eric Gardner

  • The Most Devastating Insult

    The Most Devastating Insult

    Sinclair Lewis was the first American to win a Nobel Prize in Literature. He has been mostly forgotten, but he once wrote best selling novels, short-stories and plays. He had his own stamp. He was evidentially the inspiration for Howdy Doody. He also wrote one of the greatest insult passages of all time: She was…

  • And We Wonder Why the GM Recall is a Diaster

    And We Wonder Why the GM Recall is a Diaster

    On July 22, 2014 General Motors announced they would recall an additional 800,000 cars, bringing their annual total to 29,000,000. According to The New York Times the cars have been called back for a number of problems including: “seats, air bags and turn signals, parts that may not have been welded together properly, and a…

  • Why Outsource?

    Why Outsource?

    When you throw away the books and the theory and look behind the curtain to see public and business strategy being implemented something becomes clear: most people have no idea what they are doing.  They may speak the language and look the part, but deep down most decision makers do what they think a person in…

  • The Six Innovations of CrossFit

    The Six Innovations of CrossFit

    [drop_caps]Y[/drop_caps]ou know you are on to something when people simultaneously hate and adore what you are doing. A prominent Boston Globe columnist once wrote about a band, “[They] are not merely awful; I would consider it sacrilegious to say anything less than that they are god awful.”[1. Coincidentally the critic was none other than William…

  • Things You Should Read – Clinton on LBJ

    You don’t have to be a policy wonk to marvel at the political skill L.B.J. wielded to resuscitate a bill that seemed doomed to never get a vote on the floor of either chamber. Southern Democrats were masters at bottling up legislation they hated, particularly bills expanding civil rights for black Americans. Their skills at…

  • 5 Articles You Must Read About Martin Luther King Jr

    5 Articles You Must Read About Martin Luther King Jr

    Today marks the 46th anniversary of the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. If Thurgood Marshall was the tactical leader of the civil rights movement, King was its spiritual. It is hard to imagine anyone accomplishing more in his or her life than King, who lead non-violent protest across America and won the Nobel…

  • Thomas Piketty’s Inequality Wake Up Call

    Thomas Piketty’s Inequality Wake Up Call

    This post begins with me sitting in a conference room that overlooked the capital city of a developed country. The room was filled with a handful of Ivy League MBAs, a former officer at a major international bank and two high-level government officials. We were tasked with developing a strategy for the nation’s financial service…

  • How Growth Hacking Saved “Newsweek”

    How Growth Hacking Saved “Newsweek”

    After a 14 month absence Newsweek returned to print with a splash. The 91 year old publication reported the identity of the creator of BitCoin, a new and somewhat controversial currency used by millions. The article sent shockwaves through the Internet, and propelled the alleged founder, Satoshi Nakamoto, and Newsweek to the forefront of the…

  • Book Review: “Young Money” by Kevin Roose

    Book Review: “Young Money” by Kevin Roose

    For three years New York’s Kevin Roose followed the careers of eight young Wall Street workers to research Young Money.

  • 5 Articles That Explain the Ukrainian Revolution

    5 Articles That Explain the Ukrainian Revolution

    The world has been on high alert since Russian President Vladimir Putin threw caution to the wind and sent military troops to occupy Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula. This act of aggression coincided with the defection of Ukrainian naval leadership and the seizing of parliamentary buildings by forces loyal to Russia. Many columnist and analysts are predicting…